Use Your Feet...Lower Cholesterol?

Our feet carry us from point A to point B and help us remain active. But did you also know that using your feet can help you lower your cholesterol, too? One of the best ways to lower your cholesterol is to lose weight and exercise regularly. Let’s take a look at how walking can help you.

The Benefits of Walking

To maintain a healthy and happier lifestyle, walking may be the right choice for you.  It is an easy, safe and inexpensive way to exercise and keep up your health.  Walking can also be a relaxing and invigorating way to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  The results of walking are physically rewarding and add enjoyable years to your life.
Walking is an excellent way to being an exercise program for those who have a long history of inactivity, problems with obesity, or who just don’t like strenuous activity.  When beginning, you can start off slowly and then gradually increase your speed to maintain a steady pace.  A good conditioning program begins with moderation and dedication.
Podiatrists recommend walking to ease or ward off a number of physically related illnesses.  Walking can help you:
  • Strengthen your heart and lungs
  • Improve circulation
  • Prevent heart attacks and strokes
  • Reduce obesity and high blood pressure
  • Boost your metabolic rate 
  • Favorably alter your cholesterol
  • Improve muscle tone in your legs and abdomen
  • Reduce stress and tension
  • Reduce arthritis pain
  • Stop bone tissue decay
Contact your podiatrist for more information on how you can lower your cholesterol with the help of walking and other exercises. 

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