5 Reasons for Your Foot Pain

Ouch! Your aching feet! When your feet hurt, your day is interrupted and you may not be able to complete your daily tasks. Most of the time foot painyour pain might be caused by a combination of conditions. Below are 5 possible reasons why your feet might hurt. Let’s take a closer look.

Ill-Fitting Shoes

The number one reason why you might be experiencing foot pain is ill-fitting shoes. As a woman, you might think those platform heels are irresistible, but you should think again. The same goes for unsupportive sandals or clogs that are easy to slip on and off. These shoes may look cute, but they can be doing major damage to your feet—more than you may realize. To better understand the best shoes for your feet, contact your podiatrist for more information. 

Heel Pain (Plantar Fasciitis)

Are you experiencing a stabbing pain when you put weight on your heel? If so, you might be suffering from heel pain, also known as plantar fasciitis. This pain is often worse first thing in the morning or after you have been resting. The cause of your heel pain might include:
  • Obesity
  • Flat feet
  • High-arched feet
  • Overuse
  • Inward roll of your feet when walking
Your podiatrist might recommend replacing your shoes every six months for better support. Other treatment options that might be recommended are:
  • Orthotics
  • Icing your heels
  • Steroid shots
  • Surgery (for severe cases)


Bunions can also be a cause of your foot pain that are caused by tight shoes, genetic predisposition or arthritis. Some symptoms include:
  • A bulging bump on the outside of your big or pinky toe
  • Pain at the site of the bunion
  • Trouble moving your big or pinky toe
  • Corns and calluses from overlapping toes
By visiting your podiatrist, a proper treatment plan can be created to minimize your pain.


While you may not experience any symptoms in the early stages, over time you might feel generalized foot pain. If you suffer from a lot of pain when you place weight on your foot or your foot swells, bruises and is painful to the touch you might have a fracture. 
Osteoporosis occurs when existing bone breaks down faster than the body can create new bone, which can result in thin, brittle bones that easily break and cause you immense amounts of pain. 


Osteoarthritis is sometimes referred to as the “wear and tear” arthritis because the wearing down of the protective cartilage that covers the ends of your bones causes it. Your feet are weight bearing, which causes them to take a beating resulting in slow degradation of cartilage between the two points. In the short run, the pain can come and go, but over time it tends to become more constant.
Contact your podiatrist if you are experiencing foot pain. By scheduling an appointment, you can get to the bottom of your foot pain.

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